Artes y Oficios showcase ideas we have about how a space can be generated through a careful composition of appropriate objects, local materials and relevant colours.
The exhibition is about redefining the idea of beauty, of comfort, of luxury, I am not so interested in seeing objects, furniture, or products as isolated artifacts. I am interested in everything that the artifact can generate, what it can produce to its surrounding… What can an object do to you? to me? to a room? to a group of people? to the conversation we are having? to the city?
I’d like to think that we are able to understand and feel many more factors and sensations than we can even acknowledge.
My work is trying to propose a non-aspirational aesthetic, that relate to a new order of values, It means using elements of vernacular culture, and material that are overlooked or little considered, but that are relevant solutions. It’s never about mimicking but about trying to make durable and culturally significant places for people.
project leader : Mario Rodriguez Jaramillo
project assistant : Xavier Gomez